Jackie (one of our founders - read more about our history) was instrumental in the development of our Historic District and the implementation of our Main Street Program. She was a charter board member in fact. She also was one of the organizers of our first-ever downtown merchants and homeowners association back in the 1980s. We LOVE our history and think that it is important to preserve and showcase our roots while working to make our city more progressive and diversify our business.
Deborah is currently on both the Main Street and the Historic District commissions and serves as the President of Save Historic Morgan City, a non-profit organization working to rehab and renovate historic properties in the town with the ultimate goal of creating a Cultural History Museum in the town's 2nd oldest home.
While we love our history, we also look towards our future. We regularly support arts programs with donations of materials because we believe arts play a vital role in the development of our kids' cultural and creative awareness. Deborah also donates her time to Morgan City Live Community Concert Association so she can help facilitate bringing quality family entertainment to our small town.